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  • Writer's picturePatrick Johnson

The ART of the P.S.

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

Think back to a time that you opened your mailbox and you see what looks to be a personal letter. Did you get excited? Then come to find out it's just another piece of sales spam. Did that person immediately gain a new customer in you? Probably not. It probably went straight to the recycle bin.This is why the ART of the P.S. is such an important thing to master!

Man working at wood desk on computer writing email

The issue here really is about the integrity of your communication with others. When we communicate with other people in business, we want to separate out the integrity of the communication as direct and personal with them. When we add a sales message in the middle of our messaging to them, then the category of our communication changes from personal to spammy sales. Nobody wants

to read your spam!

So, a simple way to clean up our communications is to separate out their personal message from the sales messaging and/or the CTA. (Tidbit: CTA stands for Call To Action. It’s the direction we give to people to let them know what we want them to do as the next step)

Here’s an example for you:

Hey there (firstname)!

I just wanted to touch base with you and say thank you for your time the other day!

I’m already looking forward to the next time we can get together! 

Wishing you the best!

Pat Johnson

P.S. ~ When you get this shoot me a quick text message so I know your gift arrived

safely. Thanks!

So there you have it! The ART of the P.S.! It’s a very simple tool to continue to have people understand that you really want to communicate with them directly and personally - AND, have a CTA while not just sending out a bunch of spam. 

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